Saturday, March 11, 2017

March 2, 2017

Baylee had her 3 month appointment for her back today.  It was mostly good news...she is healing well...but she has managed to bend her titanium screws.  So...they are kind of in the shape of bananas.  How does one bend titanium screws?  Only in our little world is that possible...But we are both grateful that she is healing and on the mend!

Blessing:  Even though it isn't is moving in the right direction and that is absolutely a blessing!  Lesson: No more twist and shout at dances...listen to your mother Baylee.

March 1, 2017

Today was quite an adventure...we (the neighborhood, mostly the Paas' and I) have been asking the city since January to fix the leak in our street since January.  Today, they finally started working on it!  YAY!  Unfortunately, while digging for the leak, they managed to break the gas line...woohoo!  So, it took forever...firetrucks, ambulance, police and gas company.  Took all day.  But the water line got fixed.

I also went in to the back and became a signer on a citizen initiative to make the city look closer at the budget and finance the roads first.  But I was so stressed, I didn't sign my name...just filled everything out.  But the notary, notarized it...not sure what that means.

But no one blew up, and we all it was a good day.

Blessing:  No one blew up.  That always makes for a good day in my book!  Lesson:  Don't wait for the firemen to ask you to leave.  Sometimes you just need to go.

February 28, 2017

Whoa.  Tonight I went to city council meeting and listened to the presentation about the roads.  More fees with the city doing very little with the tax dollars to match what they want the citizens to pay.  It's very sad to see such a disconnect.

I approached Councilwoman Anderson after to tell her I would like to talk to her after and offered to help go through numbers and find savings for roads.  Nope.  I offered to help do negotiations on benefits and find a TPA (Third Party Administrator), to find fresh eyes.  Nope, she said it was all someones job and she didn't want to step on anyone's toes.  It's frustrating that citizens want to help, but the wall is still there.  Then we discussed how she went to the local paper about changing their format or they would lose sponsorship money.  I told her I was one of the people that sent an email and I found it wrong that she intervened because the sponsor money was not her money.  Our city is out of control.  I also told her I knew all about it because I was friends with the person whose job she wanted eliminated at the paper.

I then went to a late dinner with my friends in the political arena...who are really just my friends.  I love being involved, but I am constantly amazed at how just a little bit of power can destroy one's integrity.

Blessing:  Community involvement.  Prayer and guidance to keep my own integrity in tact.  Lesson:  To approach all things with the Lords involvements so I don't lose myself in the process.

February 27, 2017

I had a doctor appointment this morning.  I knew it wouldn't be great.  I guess it was more of a mixed bag...but at least I have a doctor that is completely honest with me.  I have to start taking care of myself.  I can't keep up with the demands of chronically ill kids if I'm not well.  It's pretty simple.  At least I started about 6 weeks I just have to keep it up.  Too bad my body is rebelling.

Blessing:  The numbers don't lie and it was a wake up call that I desperately needed.  Lesson:  I matter too.

February 26, 2017

I don't know if I should be grateful for this or not, but I do appreciate my children being able to speak their minds.  Although it does tend to get them in trouble more often than not.  This morning Noah woke up and one of the very first things he said was, "I just can't handle you being you this morning.  I just can't."  I'm sure most people would be offended.  We just laughed our head off.

Blessing:  Humor.  Honest children.  Lesson:  Taking life in stride...sometimes those strides are really, really big.

February 25, 2017

I have been very blessed with a husband that is my best friend.  I love that we can be dorks together and watch stupid movies together.  When its been a really tough week and we need to decompress, it wasn't even a questions that we would find the stupidest movie we possibly could and watch it, and make fun of it and just laugh.

Blessing:  I married my best friend.  Lesson:  Let myself relax more often.

February 24, 2017

I'm so very grateful for my daughters friends.  They are good people.  They are kind and considerate, and they watch out for my girls.  I couldn't ask for more.

Blessing:  See above.  Lesson: Heavenly Father knows what we need and sends it before we know we need it.